
Office of 机构发展

North Central’s Office of 机构发展 continually engages our alumni, parents and friends to further support the mission of the College. From working with donors who provide financial resources for the College’s various funds, 奖学金和 programs to bringing alumni and friends together at campus, regional and special events, the goal of 机构发展 is to build strong ties and affinity for the College.


捐助者 like you are the driving force behind our students’ success and the financial health of the College. You are there to help celebrate our victories and stand behind us through challenging times. You encourage and uplift us with your generous support. You provide the means for us to offer the very best liberal arts education. Below are the areas of support with the greatest need: 

中北书院 Shimer students in a class.


毫无疑问, North Central is blessed with amazing students and faculty who focus on becoming their personal best. 反过来, our extended North Central Family has, 几十年来,, 给定的时间, talent and treasure to allow us to have the best resources we can for our College. Learn more about some of the remarkable stories our generous donors have to share by clicking on the link below.

中北书院 students enjoying 首页coming.


You may support the Campaign in many ways. 你可以这样做:

中北书院 students holding a banner.


捐助者, whose gifts impact the lives of students at 中北书院, have the distinction of becoming Honor Roll members. Click below to view 2022-2023 Honor Roll of 捐助者.


中北书院 honored donors wearing medals.


Get to know the Advancement 工作人员 by clicking on the staff directory links below.

艾德里安·奥尔德里奇 '02 - Vice President for 机构发展

院长培根 - 专业捐赠总监

贾里德·博根M '10 - Senior Associate Director of Development for Athletic Giving

玛丽亚·卡塞利08年01/M - Director of the 中北书院基金

梅格·瓦诺 - Assistant Manager of Advancement Services/匹配的礼物 Coordinator

布莱恩·赫尔佐格 - Executive Director of 机构发展

莎拉·哈伯纳06级 - Executive Assistant to the Vice President for 机构发展

南希·詹森 - Administrative Assistant, Development & 校友参与

Dana O' donoghue, 23岁 - Associate Director of Development for Parent & 领导力年度捐赠

Lisa petaway, 94年 - Director of 领导力年度捐赠

玛丽·雷诺兹 - Director of 校友 and Parent Engagement

Yoshie星期几 -发展署署长


The institutional advancement staff at 中北书院.